董事会议纪要- 2011年2月

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Board of 丽晶s

1:30 p.m.2011年2月22日




新墨西哥科技董事会在下午1:30召开会议.m.摄政王安·墨菲(丽晶 Ann Murphy) 每日主持.  Other Board members present were Secretary-Treasurer Jerry Armijo, 理查德·N. 木匠,小亚伯·西尔弗. 和威廉·维兰纽瓦.  大学管理员, 出席的工作人员和嘉宾包括:

Daniel H. 洛佩兹



梅丽莎·J. 弗莱明














1. 会议通知证明. 洛佩兹通过提交副本提供通知证明 of newspaper ads and e-mails sent to media outlets announcing the Board of 丽晶s 会议. 

4. 公告

丽晶 Daily called on President 洛佩兹 for announcements and he outlined the following:

注册更新:博士. 洛佩兹提供了目前关于入学的一般报告.  Vice President Jaramillo, more specifically, indicated that 1197 applications have 于2011年1月31日收到.  其中125人是有偿申请者.  她说 having contacted nearby universities to learn more about the status of their enrollments.  Three of the four universities reported they were up; one university stated their 数字下降了.  She further explained that Hispanic enrollment at Tech, was up 与去年相比,减少了9名学生.  摄政王阿米霍提到了1197份申请 showing 500 admitted but asked about the remaining 600; whose status was unclear.  Vice President Jaramillo explained that the 600 were still in process and some of 他们将转化为付费申请人.  摄政王卡朋特在处理一件相关的事情时问道 about international students and wanted to know how they were tracked.  这份报告 did not reflect the number of currently enrolled international students but it was mentioned that international students are usually transfer students; therefore, are not captured in this report since only entering freshmen are included in this report.

The subject of distance learning was raised and the discussion revealed that it has become a significant portion of the university’s business.  Dr. 洛佩兹报道 distance learning enrollment is primarily made up of those students taking six hours or less, including a significant number of out-of-state students.  Dr. 洛佩兹建议 the Board that this program is at risk of losing a major portion of its funding support due to the fact that the Legislature is considering eliminating the funding of students 6个小时或更少. 

摄政的木匠 also asked about the summer session and wondered how those enrollment 数字反映在报告中.  副总统哈拉米略回应说 月末的报告包含了夏季的入学人数. 

The Board also inquired about the number of ag亚游集团App下载 students on the lottery 奖学金.  Dr. 洛佩兹报道 only in-state students are eligible for the lottery 奖学金; he reported that about 50% of ag亚游集团App下载 in-state students 参加彩票奖学金.

学生宿舍:博士. 洛佩兹 introduced 米格尔的绅士 who is on staff and 工作ing closely with other staff on the planning for student housing.  Mr. 伊达尔戈解释 the process for seeking a bond for the construction of a residential life facility and cited for the record that it will take at least three months to execute the bond. 

热水循环进度报告. 洛佩兹报道称,热水循环施工 项目仍在按计划进行.  他确实提到了最近的寒潮影响了 校园里的一些建筑也出现了问题.E、管道爆裂和损失 热.  Dr. 洛佩兹 praised the great team 工作 by ag亚游集团App下载 personnel in responding to the weather related problems and ensuring the safety of all personnel.

Freeport McMoRan捐赠土地:Dr. 洛佩兹报道称,此次财产捐赠 documents had been finalized and signed by ag亚游集团App下载 and Freeport McMoRan.  The deed of the gifted property has been registered with the Hidalgo county clerk’s 办公室. 

博士申请休假. 米歇尔·克里奇·埃克曼. Gerity宣布 Dr. Eckman, Associate Professor in Physics and 研究 Scientist at MRO, has been granted a one semester sabbatical leave for the Fall of 2011.  Dr. Gerity说 other faculty will step in and handle whatever courses need to be taught in order to ensure no student’s normal academic progress is impeded.

最新法例:博士. 洛佩兹, in his legislative briefing, focused on House Bill 2 which is the General Appropriation Act which funds Higher Education.

Thus far, the budget reductions for ag亚游集团App下载 are manageable; however, the briefing only reflects current action of the House Appropriations and Finance Committee but 目前的提议仍有可能改变.  这一措施仍需充分落实 众议院的批准以及参议院的行动.  Dr. 洛佩兹表示他和他的团队正在监测 57 bills which, if most were to be adopted, would negatively impact the university 以某种方式.  Tech’s lobbying staff is also responsible for providing analyses 向立法会财务委员会提交法案.    

PTRC WPS项目:博士. 洛佩兹 announced that ag亚游集团App下载, through its EMRTC division, 获得了23美元的奖金.国务院拨款500万美元.  ag亚游集团App下载, more specifically, is one of eight awardees who will receive this grant, under sub-contract, 在五年的时间里.  The newcontract calls for security training for world-wide 通过国务院提供保护服务.  这些服务包括培训 比如使馆安全部队.  训练将在Playas进行 培训和研究中心,EMRTC的子公司. 

摄政的木匠 asked about the sustainability of federal funding for similar future 项目. Dr. 洛佩兹和Dr. Romero both responded by explaining how our focus areas and agency relationships should help us maintain a healthy level of funding.  然而, in today’s fiscal environment it is difficult to predict how funding will look like 在未来.  Dr. Romero added that our federal funding risks are manageable and mentioned that our earmarks are less than 1% of the budget.

资金申请:博士. 洛佩兹 reminded the Board that the General Obligation Bond for capital 项目 was defeated in the November election.  因此,任何新的资本融资 has to come from severance tax bonding and this could potentially pay for two small 项目: one for Playas road upgrades and the second for $1million in order to purchase 并安装额外的校园安全设备.

5. Public Comment:  丽晶 Daily asked if anyone in the audience wished to address the Board and/or make a public comment on any issue of concern.  摄政日报 Mr. 查尔斯Rosacker whose children have attended ag亚游集团App下载 in the past.  Mr. Rosacker thanked the Board for its hard 工作 and he also complimented President 洛佩兹 and the university for the great strides ag亚游集团App下载 has made improving its programs over the years, and he was especially proud that a number of his children have attended 毕业于理工学院.  丽晶 Daily read the names of his children who attended ag亚游集团App下载.

9. 1月财务分析:博士. 洛佩兹拜访协理副总裁, 蕾拉塞蒂洛, to provide the Board with information regarding the financial status 科技. Ms. Sedillo stated that the university budgeted conservatively, including 最低预算开销.  总的来说,这份报告反映了这所大学 is staying on a sound financial track and that departments generally are managing 保持预算平衡. 

10.   Financial Status as of December 31, 2010 to Higher Education Department: President 洛佩兹 presented the FY’11 second quarter expenditure report to the Board and requested formal approval of 这份报告, consistent with the requirements of the Department 高等教育.  这份报告, it was noted, is similar to the financial statements 在年度独立审计中生成.  摄政王卡朋特开始接受和赞同 这份报告.  摄政Armijo 附议该动议,并获得一致通过.

11. 员工福利信托审计结果. 洛佩兹报道说,审计已经 completed and preliminarily it appears that no major audit exceptions have been identified.  A full report on the audit will be presented to the Board as soon as the State Auditor 释放审计.

13. 梅西家庭儿童中心申办:博士. 洛佩兹解释了申奥的历史 and award process that resulted in this matter being before the 丽晶s. 白沙 建设公司., which submitted the apparent second lowest 报价 for the construction of the Macey Family Childrens’ Center, protested pursuant to the New Mexico Procurement Code, the 报价 of the apparent low 报价der, Fox Builders Inc.他的出价已被接受 由摄政王.  Following its investigation and with the assistance of the Rodey Law Firm, Tech determined that although Fox’s 报价 was responsive and was the apparent 福克斯的出价很低,但他不是一个负责任的竞标者.  技术部通知了福克斯和白沙 根据《ag亚游集团App下载》作出的决定.  福克斯没有及时提出上诉 来自科技的决心.  Mr. Adams recommended that the 丽晶s rescind their previous approval of Fox’s apparent low 报价 and accept White Sand’s 报价.  摄政的木匠 moved to rescind the 丽晶s’ previous approval of Fox’s 报价 and to accept 白沙’ 报价.  丽晶 Silver 附议该动议,并获得一致通过.        

14. 新宿舍建筑服务:博士. 洛佩兹报道了计划 还有新宿舍的情况.  经过讨论,博士. 洛佩兹请求批准 of the selection for architectural services of the various 报价ders.  11个公司 回应投标.  The committee, after evaluating all the proposals, recommended Studio D Architects/Hanbury Evans Wright Vlattas.  据估计,费用为 他们的服务费为502,200美元.00 which is consistent with the rate set by the Architect 采购守则费率表.  最大允许建造成本为 basis upon which the state calculates the fee for architectural services.  丽晶 Carpenter moved to approve the selection of Studio D for this service.  摄政Armijo 附议该动议,并获得一致通过.

15. 超过25万美元的购买请求.使用国家基金.洛佩兹提供 the Board with a request to purchase two Caterpilar Telehandlers totaling $279,800.00.  This purchase is deemed necessary in order to provide  EMRTC personnel with adequate 和安全的设备,以便他们工作.  摄政王西尔弗表示同意 购买.  摄政Armijo 附议该动议,并获得一致通过. 

16. Individual Board Member Comments:  丽晶 Silver complimented Dr. 洛佩兹为带来 the Board up to speed on all the issues pertaining to ag亚游集团App下载. 摄政Armijo 也感谢博士. 洛佩兹感谢他在立法会议上的辛勤工作.  他说 这所大学有一个有力的拥护者.  他还想表扬所有的大学 employees, and particularly the facilities staff, for the way they responded to the 最近袭击索科罗的寒流.  他进一步说,索科罗已经做好了准备 for the cold weather 天 in advance, but ag亚游集团App下载, nonetheless, had a heavy burden in responding to numerous emergencies across the entire campus caused by the 极端寒冷的天气.  He particularly asked that the record reflect the Board’s appreciation and thank, on their behalf,  the lower paid staff who 工作ed tirelessly and without complaint to ensure that all buildings were back in 工作ing order and ensure that staff, students and faculty were safe and comfortable during those very frigid 天.  He also stated that he hoped staff would be adequately compensated for their extra 工作.  Dr. 洛佩兹 stated he was very proud of his staff and stated that indeed the staff who did 工作 overtime would be paid for their extra 工作. 

丽晶 Daily echoed those same sentiments and thanked the ag亚游集团App下载 administration for their swift response to every emergency which surfaced during those difficult 天. 

摄政的木匠 recognized 丽晶 Villanueva and thanked him for his service as the 大学生董事.  他解释说,根据法律规定,维兰纽瓦摄政王要服刑 为期两年,于2010年12月31日到期.  摄政王维拉纽瓦也表示感谢 the Board as well as Tech’s administration and stated that he had learned a great deal and that his service on the Board had been a very rewarding experience.

18. 员工福利信托:博士. 洛佩兹和Sedillo副总裁发言 员工福利信托向董事会报告.  Ms. 塞迪略表示,确实有 been an appreciation on investments; however, 这份报告 presented to the 丽晶s 没有反映投资增长.  摄政王卡朋特问投资是否 made at the State Treasurer’s Office and upon whose advice.  Ms. 她正在回应 她不确定谁会提供建议.  她相信,这所大学 uses Smith Barney advisors for investment decisions, but was not certain.  员工 Benefit Trust, with no further discussion, adjourned at 3:25pm.

19. Executive Session: Upon reconvening, at 3:26pm, on a unanimous roll call vote, the Board moved and unanimously voted to go into executive session to consider legal matters regarding a potential legal challenge involving the Kirtland lease.  丽晶 Villanueva recused himself from the executive session due to his employment with Kirtland 空军基地.  At the completion of the executive session, the Board reconvened in 公开会议.  丽晶 Daily reported that after discussion of the legal issues surrounding the Kirtland lease in executive session, no action was taken.

20. Adjournment:  Subsequent to the executive session and there being no further business to come before the Board, 丽晶 Daily adjourned the 会议 at 3:45 p.m.