Notes from the Oct. 21, 2003 Regents Meeting

by Valerie Kimble

SOCORRO, N.M., Oct. 22, 2003 – Policy changes, from purchasing controls to revised 在10月21日的ag亚游集团App下载会议上,每日费率问题成为了焦点 Board of Regents.

Regents authorized Tech President Dr. Daniel H. López or his designated vice president 在未经董事会批准的情况下,签署最高25万美元的承诺,高于此前的上限 of $100,000.

“I review restricted fund expenditures monthly,” López said. He added that the policy 在处理超支的机构预算时,改革将提供更高的效率 of $175 million.

“There’s plenty of oversight,” added W.D. Peterson, vice president for administration and finance at New Mexico Tech.

有人指出,根据新墨西哥州立大学的类似政策,校董会批准 超过100万美元的购买需要,“一个高得多的门槛” 给Lonnie Marquez, Tech的行政和财务副总裁.

新墨西哥州技术委员会也同意考虑新的每日费率 its next meeting in November; in the meantime, Tech faculty are encouraged to view 对学院旅行政策的拟议修改,并提出他们的意见.
“我们还没有得到很多回应,”López说,并补充说校园通讯 SCOPE carries an e-mail address for comments on the proposed policy.

目前的每日差旅费“远低于联邦标准,由教师承担 the burden,” said Dr. Peter F. Gerity, Tech’s vice president for academic affairs.

“这是一个他们急于采取行动的问题,”Gerity说,并解释说 proposed rates “are as close to federal levels as possible.”

除非召开特别会议,否则每日津贴问题将出现在董事会11月的议程上 根据校董会主席安·墨菲·戴利的说法.

作为新墨西哥理工公司收购普拉斯镇计划的最新进展, 彼得森告诉董事会,与联邦政府的购买协议“正在商讨中” table.“科技公司已经提出为大学购买这个城镇及其现有的基础设施 counter-terrorism training and First Responder programs.

“我们已经准备好完成定金部分了,”彼得森说. “A group 明天要去Playas提供库存和财务信息吗.”

The initial idea, according to Dr. Van Romero, Tech’s vice president for research and economic development, was to use grant money for the purchase.

“问题是,很多部门都想使用它,如果它成为独家 如果是一个机构的财产,他们就很难相互交流。” he said.

With an initial asking price of $3.2 million and more than 20 interested bidders, 罗梅罗说,如果是这样的话,他相信科技公司可以在公开市场上出售这座小镇 ever became necessary.

“我们已经有10到12个非常强大的客户,”他说 仅国土安全部就同意以500万美元购买100天的使用权, “leaving us with 200 days to pursue other business.”

罗梅罗称Playas项目为“创造一个新的EMRTC”,即“精力充沛” 材料研究与测试中心,理工学院科研中心 park.

董事们还了解了水峡谷路(Water Canyon Road)的最新进展,这是一条蜿蜒的森林 通往马格达莱纳岭天文台(MRO)拟建地点的道路.

Romero认可MRO现场项目工程师Pierce Howell“出色的项目管理”。 在预算内按时完成了森林公路的初步修复工作. 未来的工作包括在现有水道上挖沟渠和安装涵洞, Howell said.

在会议期间的其他公告中,董事们被告知,最近的一份纪事报 《AG亚游集团app》的报告将ag亚游集团App下载列为联邦研究项目的第一名 funds with just over $56 million. Of the total amount, $41 million was earmarked for MRO项目以及该大学的反恐和第一反应项目.

“4100万美元的联邦资金可以让我们在任何名单上名列前茅,” 罗梅罗解释说,为MRO和第一响应者培训项目提供资金 propelled Tech to the top of the list.

"We get some ribbing, but then they ask us how we did it," quipped López. “It’s a very demanding effort that does pay off.”

Gerity补充说,一个经常被忽视的领域是研究中的竞争水平 arena. “We’re forced to play like everyone else,” he said.

Students and faculty both benefit from research funds, said Dr. John Juarez, Tech’s vice president for student and university relations.

“我们是自己成功的受害者,”罗梅罗说,并补充说他不认为新 Mexico Tech would head the list next year.

“我们需要拿出新的项目来取代他们的位置,”他说 large-scale research activities. MRO, he said, was in the works for seven years.

此外,他还是新墨西哥科技公司总裁和董事会的几位成员 在约克公爵安德鲁王子最近的访问中被他迷住了吗. The younger 英国查尔斯王子的弟弟在索科罗支持MRO财团, of which Cambridge University is a partner.

“我们度过了一段美好的时光,”López在谈到这次访问时说,并补充说安德鲁王子“承诺” to returning.”

学生摄政以赛亚·斯托里和摄政日报赞扬了活动组织者,并指出 that U.S. Senator Pete Domenici in a congratulatory message specifically mentioned the roles López and Romero played in making the project a reality.

In other business considered at the board’s monthly meeting: